LINKCITY Ile-de-France awarded the "Cadre de Vie 2016" Trophée Or (Gold Trophy)

10/21/2016 | News

LINKCITY Ile-de-France awarded the "Cadre de Vie 2016" Trophée Or (Gold Trophy)

  • SerendiCity
  • SerendiCity
  • SerendiCity
  • SerendiCity
On 12 October 2016, at the City of Architecture and Heritage, LINKCITY Ile-de-France, a property development brand of Bouygues Construction, alongside LAN Architecture, was awarded the "Cadre de Vie 2016" Trophée Or, in the Habitat, Public and Services Buildings category, for the SerendiCity project.

Located on the Paris-Saclay city campus in Moulon at Gif-sur-Yvette (91), the giant complex of student accommodation was awarded Trophée Or of the "Cadre de Vie 2016" competition. This exceptional project won over the jury with the intense work carried out for its development and financing. More specifically with:

  • its size - a 1,082-capacity; making it the largest student accommodation complex to date in France,
  • its atypical architecture - a firm commitment to a 'liveable park" idea, livened up by circular lodgings developed by LAN Architecture, Clément Vergely Architects and TOPOTEK, providing an exceptional living space for students,
  • its time frame - 9 months of financial planning and 20 months of construction to ensure handover in time for the start of classes in September 2017.

So what is Trophée "Cadre de Vie 2016"?

This competition is an annual event organised by the association Fimbacte, under the patronage of Mr André Santini, Deputy of Hauts de Seine, Mayor of Issy les Moulineaux and Vice President of Métropole du Grand Paris (Metropolis of Greater Paris). It encourages innovation and highlights good practices through the projects of professionals in the habitat, town planning and construction sectors. The winners are chosen at the end of a day of auditions, gathering juries and project sponsors.

SerendiCity's commitment

SerendiCity features numerous communal areas and shared housing, showing its innovative qualities and ability to adapt to the diversity and evolution of student lifestyles. The urban and architectural concept developed by LAN Architecture, Clément Vergely Architects and TOPOTEK lies on a bold yet elegant commitment: build up the edge to free up the centre and create a landscaped park livened up by five circular buildings named the "Muses" (concrete facades with photoengravings representing patterns from a piece of art in the Louvre).

Press contacts

Mathieu Carré

+33 (0)1 30 60 66 39

Jessica Swiderski

+33 (0)1 30 60 25 37